How to Overcome Stage Fright: 5 Tips for Confident Singing Performances

How to Overcome Stage Fright: 5 Tips for Confident Singing Performance Source:


Singing is a fun way to express yourself but it can also be intimidating. Nothing is worse than standing on stage in front of an audience and realizing that you don’t remember how the song goes or what key you should be singing it in. Even if you have been singing for years, there is always the possibility that something will go wrong during your performance, especially if you are nervous. If you want to perform confidently with no worries about forgetting lyrics or messing up intonation, here are some tips for you:

Record yourself singing.

Recording your voice is the best way to see how you sound, and it is also a great way to build your confidence. Try using a voice recorder on your phone to hear your mistakes and know what areas need improvement before performing in front of an audience.

Also, you can record yourself while singing using a video camera or webcam recorder. So that you can listen back and see what you sound like in real time. It will help you identify areas needing improvement, such as pitch, tone, diction, breathing patterns, and movements. It will also give you an idea of how well-paced your performance was so that there will be fewer hiccups or awkward movements next time.

Sing with a friend.

It can be a friend or a professional singer who will help you perform at your best.If they are excellent and have more experience than you, they’ll know how to make sure that the audience hears every word of the song as clearly as possible, giving them confidence in their abilities.

Visualize yourself performing well.

Visualizing yourself performing well can help you feel confident and prepared for the performance, get in the right mindset, and focus on positive outcomes.

When visualizing yourself singing well, it’s essential that your mind does not wander into negative thoughts or doubts about your ability to perform well. Instead of thinking about what could go wrong during the performance, believe in everything that could go right.

Pretend it is not that big a deal.

Getting caught up in the details is easy when you perform on stage. You might think about how many people are watching or what they will think of your performance. You might worry that a mistake will ruin everything and make you look foolish in front of those who came to see you sing.

These thoughts can cause anxiety and stress–and when we are stressed out, our bodies react by producing adrenaline which makes our hearts race faster and causes us to breathe more quickly. It creates an uncomfortable physical and mental feeling: we always hold our breath.

To avoid this feeling of being overwhelmed by stage fright:

  • Pretend it is not a big deal - tell yourself, “It’s just another gig” (even if it is not).
  • Do not think about all the things that could go wrong - focus on getting through each song one at a time without worrying too much about what happens next; keep doing what needs doing right now.

A little practice goes a long way.

Practice is the best way to overcome stage fright. It can be a little scary at first, but you must get used to performing in front of others so that when it comes time for your big performance, there will not be any surprises, and all your hard work will pay off.

  • Practice in front of the mirror: This is an easy way to get used to being on stage and seeing yourself perform without being judged by anyone else in the room. You will also have plenty of opportunities here; make sure they are not at awkward times, like when someone else is trying on clothes or brushing their hair.
  • Practice with friends: If any friends enjoy singing or playing instruments, invite them over so they can help provide feedback about what needs improvement during practice sessions. This kind of practice makes things much less stressful than practicing alone because there will always be people who care about helping each other improve.
  • Do a Livestream performance to practice your singing: Livestreaming is a great way to practice your singing. It is also a great way to get used to hearing your voice in recordings, which can help improve your overall performance. When doing live streams, you must speak clearly and loudly enough so that people can hear what you are saying over the music. Ensure there are no background noises (like dogs barking) or distractions from other people who might be talking during the stream. It would be best if you also practiced singing along with songs while streaming so viewers can see how well they know their lyrics–and maybe even learn some new ones.


It is not easy to get over stage fright, but life gets much more fun. I hope this article helped you overcome your fear of singing in front of others and that when it comes time for your next concert or recital, you will not be so nervous about how it will go.

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