How social media and UGC could decide the future of the music industry

Thunder only happens when it’s raining. Social media and user-generated content (UGC) could determine the future of the music industry. The most crucial aspect that comes to our minds is TikTok. How do some songs go viral on TikTok and people consistently use them to curate amazing videos? User-generated content, UGC in the music industry means the content created using a platform that includes copyrighted music. This is more often than not, unlicensed or subject to a blanket use license between the social media platform and the rights holder. Did you know the music business is set to earn about $6 billion in revenues only due to UGC this year? UGC drives growth in the music industry. How many times have you heard a song based on recommendations from your peers or heard it on IG reels? Almost most of the time, right? Well, that’s social media and UGC right there.

User-generated content includes content creation, consumption, and highlights that are required to expand the music industry. The power of user-generated content is reflected by the growth of social media platforms.

Studies show that a total of 7.7 billion users use social media. You must have seen that the growth of music has changed its path. In this digital era, music growth happens via hashtag, which turns into a TikTok meme, and finally into a global smash hit.

How do UGC and social media affect the music industry?

The creation and consumption of user-generated content contributed more than $1 billion to the global music industry. And it is consistently growing in number to the point where YouTube outranks Spotify and other music streaming services across markets globally. UGC affects a significant portion of the growth in the consumption of music and adds about $6 billion to the music industry value chain.

Music-related UGC revenue alone contributes around $4 billion, including $2.2 billion directed to music rights holder revenues. Not only all music-related UGC income is reaching its owners, but the group holds the potential to take $3.2 billion in revenues by implementing new and easy music licensing framework.

People use UGC as an advertising strategy to generate more demand for music.

To understand this better and in easy words. People analyzed Ed Sheeran’s “Shape of you” which is the most streamed song on Spotify and found that it had 800% more streams on social media platforms and UGC sites rather than on Spotify itself.

Let’s see some ideas on how to use UGC and social media as a musician.

  1. Repost UGC

 Every time you play in a show, there are tons of fans sticking their phones out and recording most of the event to share their experience. Most likely all of them post at least 2 to 3 photos and videos online to document the event.

While you are on stage you can remind everyone to tag you in their posts. You can inform them that you will be reposting it to encourage them further. If it is a small event, you can also get some pictures clicked with your audience and ask them to tag you personally.

This content is perfect for engagement while featuring your dedicated fans.

  1. Encourage fans to use your songs on social media

Social media giants like Instagram and TikTok are the best to gain user-generated content. If your music is on TikTok you can encourage users to use your music to create content. Getting featured in any form like a piece of simple background music is great publicity.

You utilize TikTok to combine users’ content and compile them into a big promotional piece. This further extends your exposure. You can then share this promotional video on other social media platforms and websites.

  1. Create a hashtag

Hashtags are a brilliant way to encourage more people to post content. You can ask your event attendees to post content using the hashtag. If you have your merchandise, it is a cherry on top. You can ask users to post content, wear your merch, and use the hashtag.

You can then use this content to create a hashtag feed and run campaigns to reach out to a massive audience. You can use social media aggregator platforms like Taggbox to fetch every piece of content on the internet under your hashtag and develop the perfect feed. These platforms help in embedding hashtag feed on your website to further boost your reach.

  1. Ask for permission

Regardless of where you repurpose user-generated content for marketing purposes, it is crucial that you ask for users’ permission in order to use their content and give them the required credit. Assuming that everyone is okay with their content being shared, can lead to a serious lawsuit against your name.

To avoid this, you can ask for their permission and repurpose content ethically. This also helps you interact with your audience and build better relationships.


These ideas can help you utilize the content for your good. There is nothing more authentic and genuine than user-generated content. You can engage with your fans, build better relationships, and gather a loyal fan base. They give you all their support and help you get more famous while helping you attract more fans in the process.

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